Category Archives: Pineapple

LYRICAL PEDANTRY, PART 1 (in which Chops tears a new one in popular music): Mental As Anything’s LIVE IT UP

It has come to my attention that much of what is spouted in the lyrics of popular music is — in short — total BS.

Therefore, it is my pleasure to introduce a new series for this here webular log: LYRICAL PEDANTRY, in which Ms Mindy Chops dissects the myths masquerading as commonly accepted truths in popular music.

In honour of our national holiday earlier this week, I thought I’d kick against the bricks of a beloved Aussie hit, Mental As Anything’s Live it up.

I’ve got a lot of time for this song, it’s true. But upon closer inspection, I discovered many untruths,  several misconceptions, and one man’s persistent efforts to join the Sex Offenders’ Register. The pedant explains: Continue reading